

Karen Elisabeth Laukanen born Kjærulff-Knudsen

Mary Katherine Knudsen born Tatham, sister of AC Tatham

Knud Kjærulff-Knudsen, father of Agnes Kjærulff-Knudsen

Clara Susan Miers, the mother of Agnes Clara Tatham

Agnes Kjærulff-Knudsen, mother of Nethe Dalby

Agnes Kjærulff-Knudsen, niece of Agnes Clara Tatham

Anne Margrethe, daughter of Clara Kjærulff Christensen

Christine, daughter of Agnes K.-Knudsen, sister of Nethe Dalby

Agnes Kjærulff-Knudsen 2-3 years old

Peder, son of Agnes K.-Knudsen, brother of Nethe Dalby

Anne Margrethe grand niece of Agnes Clara Tatham

Clara Kjærulff Christensen born Kjærulff-Knudsen